Red Hat LogoRed Hat, the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, asked Metaversant to help them with their Alfresco rollout. The company had been using Alfresco for several years as the back-end for an internal portal that helps disseminate product information. That was working great, but the company was ready to standardize on Alfresco One as their ECM platform company-wide. The internal portal would be the first internal customer of the new enterprise infrastructure.

Metaversant worked with all of the stakeholders to understand the requirements for the new platform and to ensure that the migration from the department’s self-managed servers to the corporate infrastructure would be successful.

Once a plan was in place, Metaversant worked closely with the Enterprise Infrastructure team to execute the plan. The portal and the underlying Alfresco repository were migrated to the new infrastructure successfully and the team now has the knowledge and resources to manage the infrastructure on their own. And being on a clustered installation of Alfresco One means less downtime.

Contact us so we can help you take your departmental ECM projects to the entire enterprise.