Metaversant is a purposefully small, professional services firm focused on helping clients get the most out of their digital assets, whether those assets are office documents, web content, rich media (images, audio, video), legal records, or other types of unstructured and semi-structured data.
We’re deeply experienced in this area. But it’s our philosophy that makes us different. It addresses these core beliefs:
- Proprietary software and legacy ECM is dead
- Vendor-integrator partnerships aren’t always in the client’s best interest
- Craft, personal relationships, & quality-of-life matters
Let’s look at each of these in turn.
1. Proprietary software and legacy ECM is dead
Okay, it’s not dead from the vendors’ perspectives. Companies like Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, SAP, and EMC Software still make plenty of money. What’s dead is the notion that enterprises have to pay through the nose for quality software that meets their needs.
The proprietary versus open source debate is over. Open source won. It’s everywhere from consumer-facing sites to even the most risk-averse and conservative of enterprises.
Metaversant believes in the transformative power of open source. We always have. We leverage it in our solutions wherever we can.
2. Vendor-integrator partnerships aren’t always in the client’s best interest
Many consulting firms align themselves with a very narrow field of big software vendors. These relationships often include revenue sharing or marketing assistance fees that the firm gets paid when they close a deal. This can lead to the firm seeing every client problem as a nail and they just happen to have a set of hammers that all come from their partner vendor. If something isn’t a great fit, it will get forced. After all, the firm has to drive a certain number of license sales to the vendor they’ve partnered with if they are going to make Partner of the Year.
Metaversant is an independent consulting firm. We do not take payments from software vendors.
3. Craft, personal relationships, & quality-of-life matters
We are the lucky few whose passion aligns with what we do for a living. It started as kids and continued into adulthood: Creatively solving problems with code. Part science, part art, there’s nothing we’d rather do. This passion means that doing the work right is just as important as doing it efficiently.
We work extremely hard, but we try to inject fun into our work. The quality-of-life of our employees and our corporate culture are important factors to be considered when we decide whether or not to take on a project.
When consulting firms grow they often promote their best delivery resources to management. Eventually, consultants are forced to make a choice: stay technical and max out your progress or move to management or sales and keep moving up. This has a negative impact on delivery quality and client satisfaction.
Metaversant is flat. We’re purposefully small. We are extremely picky about who we hire. To extend our delivery capability we maintain a network of trusted micro-firms and individuals whose commitment to quality and philosophy on life and work is similarly-aligned.
Let’s work together
We think this philosophy differentiates us from many other firms. Ready to talk to us about your project? Give us a shout.